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Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage.

Where are the essential medicines we need?

Today in America, when you need critical medical care, you can’t be guaranteed the essential medicines your loved one needs to sustain life will be available.

Today in America, when you need critical medical care, you can’t be guaranteed the essential medicines your loved one needs to sustain life will be available few more words there.

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A Broken Supply Chain.

When we need life-saving medicines, we expect them to be available and affordable. Unfortunately, our country’s supply chain is complex, broken, and dangerously dependent on foreign suppliers for our most essential medicines.

More than 80% of active pharmaceutical ingredients are produced overseas.

The manufacturing of essential medicines for the US population is vulnerable to disruptions in foreign supply chains – this has become more pressing due to the threat of trade wars and the reality of pandemics such as COVID-19.


In 2018, the American Medical Association announced that medicine shortages now pose an urgent public health crisis in the United States.

A trailblazing, public benefit corporation focused on re-imagining the essential medicines supply chain from start to finish through advanced manufacturing, including continuous flow chemistry.

Phlow™ provides a solution to the broken essential medicines supply chain by offering a resilient end-to-end solution that is comprehensive, fully integrated, and environmentally-friendly.

The Journey Begins

We envision a world where everyone can use the best health care services

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American Inj™ and CQ Roll Call Discuss Critical Topics Surrounding the American Medicinal Supply Chain

From Our Blog

“As a country where the pharmaceutical pricing, reimbursement and distribution channels have been riddled with complexity, overengineering, and inefficiencies, Phlow™ is re-imagining the Supply Chain…from Molecule to Bedside.”

–ADAM LEVITT, MD, PhD, Co-Founder, President and CEO of American Injectables™

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